Marcel André Bouraine born in Pontoise, he studied under Alexandre Falguière. In 1922 he exhibited at the ” Salon des Tuileries “. The following year he began to exhibit at the “Salon de la Socièté des Artistes Français “. He also exhibited at the ” Salon d’Automne “. He executed some sculptures in bronze or bronze and ivory. In 1928, Gabriel Argy Rousseau, famous French glass maker, commissioned a number of figurines from Bouraine, mostly female nudes ,all of which were executed in coloured Pâte de Verre. Marcel Bouraine is one of the most important sculptor of the Art déco period. His work is ,nowadays, very sought after by collectors
Litt : ” Art Deco and Other Figures ” by B Catley, page 51 to 57, for an overview of his work